Uzm.Dr.Selda ÖZDEN

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  • Tıp Eğitimi: İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi
  • Uzmanlık Eğitimi: Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
  • Uzmanlık Tezi: Yoğun Bakım Hastalarında Santral Venöz Kateter Enfeksiyonlarının Önlenmesi, Kateter Bakım Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması
  • Çalıştığı Kurumlar: Urfa Birecik Böğürtlen Sağlık Ocağı (Pratisyen Doktor)
  • İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi (Uzman Doktor)
  • Özel Asv Yaşam Hastanesi (Uzman Doktor)
Doğum Yeri, Tarihi: 
06.04.1983 / Tokat/Niksar
Telefon Numarası: 
+90242 212 18 18
Bildiği Yabancı Diller: 

Poliklinik Diğer Hekimlerimiz

  • Average: 5 (1 vote)
    Anaesthesia and Reanimation Unit

Anesthesia and Reanimation

In order not to feel pain and aches during surgical operations, which are necessary for the treatment of health problems, anesthetization, that is, anesthesia, is applied before the operation. Anesthesia is the general name of all types of numbing and the word meaning is numbness. It is a series of medical practices applied by physicians who are specialists in anesthesia and reanimation so that the patient does not feel pain during the operation. The type of anesthesia to be administered is finalized by the anesthesia and reanimation specialists, and it is given to the patient at the predicted rates with devices called anesthesia delivery system, and temporary closure of consciousness is provided.

While vital activities continue during the operation with anesthesia techniques that have been applied for approximately 150 years and are constantly developing, it is very important for both the patient and the physicians performing the operation to eliminate consciousness, reflex and sensation. Thanks to this application, which provides comfort to the patient during the surgery, the reflexes are suppressed and the muscle relaxation is provided, making the surgical intervention easier. It is also the specialty of the anesthesiologist to ensure the continuity of this situation during the operation and to wake the patient after the operation with the termination of anesthesia drugs.

Yayın Tarihi: 
Monday, June 12, 2023